Posts tagged pregnancy
Fighting Fatigue: A Guide to Self-Care for Parents of Special Needs Children

Fatigue is a common challenge among parents of special needs children. Raising a child with a disability can be both physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting, leading to a profound sense of tiredness that no amount of sleep can resolve. What’s more, the immense love these parents have for their children often drives them to put their own needs on the back burner. However, parents must remember that they, too, need care and nourishment to sustain their role as effective caregivers. In this article from Birth and Beyond, we’ll help you assess your level of personal fatigue and create a self-care plan to rejuvenate your well-being.

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You Are Not Too Fat To Give Birth

For those of us who have been stigmatized by the medical system for our weight, it can be really embarrassing to go to a regular obstetrical provider once you find out you are pregnant. Some providers assume you already have health complications and some will be vocal about the pregnancy complications “you will have since your BMI is higher.” Some providers will tell you that you need a c-section at your first appointment because they assume you aren’t able to push your baby out vaginally.

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Starting an At-Home Business as an Expecting Parent

A soon-to-be stay-at-home parent is an influential figure in their own home, and they have the potential to make money for the family (if parenting isn’t enough!) If you’re interested in starting your own home business, this information from Birth and Beyond Doula Services will help you get started.

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How To Be Ready If Your Baby Has A Fever

If you’re a parent, one of the scariest things you can face is your baby having a fever. It can be difficult to know what to do and how to best take care of them, particularly if it’s your first time as a parent. In this blog post, we’ll look at how to be best prepared for when your baby has a fever and talk about the best approaches for managing their temperature and getting them comfortable and back to health.

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What To Avoid While Pregnant

There’s so much information out there on what to avoid while pregnant. This guest blog from The Birth Injury Center is super helpful in determining what is safe and what isn’t. Register for our virtual Early Pregnancy Planning Class on January 7th from 10am-11:30am to learn more!

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Pregnancy After Loss: What You Need To Know

October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. There are so many topics we could discuss in relationship to this, but the one I want to touch on that no one appears to talk about is pregnancy after loss. The grief and pain associated with the loss of a pregnancy, infant, or child is unimaginable and unfortunately still taboo to talk about.

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Surviving The NICU: A Birth Story

September is NICU Awareness Month. Surviving the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is no easy task, but it is possible. I’m Briana, the owner of Birth and Beyond and I am here to tell you my NICU survival story. I planned a homebirth in late 2021 for my February 2022 estimated due date. I ate all the good foods, I exercised, I chose a good provider, and I remained stress free in the middle of a global pandemic.

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Can Being a Mompreneur Work For You?

In a fast-paced world full of challenges it’s important to encourage an attitude of self-care while your kids are still young. Cultivating this mindset means modeling the right behaviors and suggesting activities that can calm the mind - here are some tips from Birth and Beyond Doulas to get you started.

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No Kidding: Promoting Self-Care for Young Children

In a fast-paced world full of challenges it’s important to encourage an attitude of self-care while your kids are still young. Cultivating this mindset means modeling the right behaviors and suggesting activities that can calm the mind - here are some tips from Birth and Beyond Doulas to get you started.

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Ways To Take Care of Yourself While Breastfeeding

Being a new parent is challenging because you are adjusting to caring for a newborn. If you choose to breastfeed or baby, you face additional difficulties. While breastfeeding is a huge adjustment for both you and your baby, it can be a rewarding experience if you remember to take care of yourself. Here are four tips from Birth and Beyond Doulas that can help you navigate breastfeeding successfully.

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Postpartum Depression Support in Raleigh

Postpartum Depression - I hear this term all the time as a perinatal health professional. In my experience, it is the most commonly discussed perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, however it is not the only one. May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month and whether you are expecting a baby or supporting someone who is, it’s important to fully understand all perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs).

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Why You Need a Doula for Your Cesarean Birth

As a doula, I have supported many cesarean births, as one in three birthing people in America give birth this way. When I first started supporting birth long ago, vaginal births felt “easy” to support. It was everything I learned in my doula training. It wasn’t until my first cesarean birth that I felt outraged…irritated…disappointed…and very, very annoyed.

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A Tooth For Every Baby?

Have you ever heard the saying “gain a kid, lose a tooth”? If not, there is an old wives tale that says a person will lose a tooth for every baby they have. While this may be a stretch, there is some significance behind this claim. Good dental health during pregnancy is imperative, as many studies have found that pregnancy can interfere with calcium absorption and pregnancy naturally increases hormones that can have a negative effect on oral health.

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All About Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

As a birth doula, one of the main things I recommend to my clients is to find a chiropractor. I’ll be honest…when I was young, I thought chiropractors were quacks. I got into a really terrible car accident at 16 years old, and I went through all the traditional methods of fixing my back, hip, and knee. While the more traditional treatments provided some temporary relief, it wasn’t until I saw a chiropractor that I felt back to normal again...permanently. But, enough about me … chiropractic care in pregnancy is a must!

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