Posts tagged postpartum anxiety
Ways To Take Care of Yourself While Breastfeeding

Being a new parent is challenging because you are adjusting to caring for a newborn. If you choose to breastfeed or baby, you face additional difficulties. While breastfeeding is a huge adjustment for both you and your baby, it can be a rewarding experience if you remember to take care of yourself. Here are four tips from Birth and Beyond Doulas that can help you navigate breastfeeding successfully.

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Postpartum Depression Support in Raleigh

Postpartum Depression - I hear this term all the time as a perinatal health professional. In my experience, it is the most commonly discussed perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, however it is not the only one. May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month and whether you are expecting a baby or supporting someone who is, it’s important to fully understand all perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs).

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