Posts tagged cesarean recovery
Why You Need a Doula for Your Cesarean Birth

As a doula, I have supported many cesarean births, as one in three birthing people in America give birth this way. When I first started supporting birth long ago, vaginal births felt “easy” to support. It was everything I learned in my doula training. It wasn’t until my first cesarean birth that I felt outraged…irritated…disappointed…and very, very annoyed.

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Postpartum Bleeding: What’s Normal vs What’s Not

You learn all about what to expect during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth – but why does no one talk about the fourth trimester and the physical changes that happen during the immediate postpartum period? Whether you’ve had a vaginal birth or a cesarean birth, you will experience some degree of postpartum bleeding, also called lochia.

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Best C-Section Recovery Tips

Whether planned or emergent, recovering from abdominal surgery, like a cesarean section, is no joke (as you’ll find out the first time someone makes you laugh). It will be about 6 weeks before your incision heals but you’ll start feeling like your old self before that. Getting the rest and care you need will ensure your recovery is smooth. You will need extra support during this time.

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