Posts tagged overnight doula support in raleigh
5 Ways To Make Your First Postpartum Poop Easier

Here’s a topic that stinks. Poop. More specifically, the first poop after you give birth. You have questions and you don’t know who or how to ask. What’s that first bowel movement after birth really like? Will it feel like giving birth again? Will I need to be sedated? Can I be sedated? We have yet to meet a doctor or midwife who will sedate you for your first poop after birth, BTW, but we’ll keep looking. Many Raleigh moms dread the idea of going number two after vaginal birth and for good reason! Your entire bottom may feel raw and the thought of popping a stitch while sitting on the toilet isn’t exactly our idea of a good time either.

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How to Choose a Postpartum Doula

Choosing a Raleigh postpartum professional to support your family through the early weeks of transitioning into parenthood can be a daunting task. Google searches, friendly recommendations, phone calls, and interviews. But how will you know which postpartum doula is the right postpartum doula?

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Best C-Section Recovery Tips

Whether planned or emergent, recovering from abdominal surgery, like a cesarean section, is no joke (as you’ll find out the first time someone makes you laugh). It will be about 6 weeks before your incision heals but you’ll start feeling like your old self before that. Getting the rest and care you need will ensure your recovery is smooth. You will need extra support during this time.

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