Posts tagged placenta art in raleigh
When is Placenta Encapsulation Contraindicated?

“My care provider told me that I can’t consume my placenta.” A phrase I hear all too often. The reality is, placenta encapsulation and consumption isn’t standard practice and it never will be – so care providers are confused by it, and often want to discourage you from consuming your placenta.

I’d be a terrible placenta encapsulation specialist if I told you placenta consumption was for everyone and that there are absolutely no contraindications. I’d also be a liar, and that’s one thing I’m not! I’d like to note one thing: it is illegal in all 50 states to prevent a parent from bringing home their placenta. Now onto contraindications…

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Raleigh Parents Consuming Placenta for Postpartum Benefits

Placenta Encapsulation has become all the rage among families all over North America and with good reason! The anecdotal benefits of consuming your placenta are pretty impressive. Reports of celebrities like the Kardashians and January Jones having their placentas made into capsules has increased the popularity of this once underground practice.

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8 Ways You Can Honor Your Placenta

Your placenta. An incredible organ that has nourished your baby and sustained your pregnancy for many months. The filter, barrier, and connection between mother and child. Oxygen was delivered, hormones were produced, and nourishment was given. But once your baby is born, the placenta’s work will be complete, or will it?

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