5 Things I Know About Placenta Encapsulation

With celebrities like January Jones and Kim Kardashian swearing by the anecdotal benefits of ingesting your placenta and parents everywhere raving about their experiences, placenta encapsulation services have become highly sought after in Raleigh, North Carolina. You can’t scroll through an online Raleigh pregnancy group without seeing something about placenta encapsulation!

If you’re hearing about placentophagia (ingesting human placenta) for the first time, or you’re here because you want to learn more about this ancient practice, you’re in the right place!

Here are 5 things you should know about placenta encapsulation:

It’s totally okay if you are squeamish about the idea of eating your placenta.

Years ago, one of my friends mentioned that she would be having her placenta made into pills, and it really weirded me out. In my doula training, I learned a little more about the function of placentas and the practice of ingesting it. I began hearing from people who had done placenta encapsulation. I was intrigued. Next thing I knew I was taking placenta encapsulation training with the International Placenta & Postpartum Association. When that same friend became pregnant again, guess who encapsulated her placenta for her?

Most people who are exploring placenta encapsulation services feel a little unsure about the whole process and may even struggle with the ick factor. As a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, I believe transparency about the placenta encapsulation process to be important. If you are interested in exploring placenta consumption, talk to a local professional. We work discreetly to prepare your placenta capsules and once they’re ready, they will look and taste like any other vegetarian capsule supplement. We even meticulously wipe down each placenta pill to ensure no residue lingers on your capsules. 

Placenta encapsulation has amazing anecdotal benefits.

Following up with placenta encapsulation clients is always a pleasure. We often get to know clients while preparing the placenta in their home, hear their birth story, and help with breastfeeding and other postpartum challenges. When checking in I often hear things like: 

“The energy boost has been fantastic and my moods are better!”

“I feel so much better this time than I did after having my first baby! I’ve been telling everyone it’s the capsules!”

“I’ve missed a couple of days and I really felt a difference. I’m going to miss them when I run out.”

We hear back from clients who experience balanced breastmilk supply, improved moods, more energy, and a faster postbirth recovery. The ongoing positive feedback is what really makes us so passionate about placenta encapsulation services. 

Placenta encapsulation is safe.

When appropriate sanitization processes are observed and the correct process utilized, there are no known risks associated with placenta encapsulation.

You can be sure your placenta capsules are safe by choosing a certified placenta professional who has training in the process of preparing the placenta, as well as Blood Borne Pathogens Certification and food safety training. Our staff at Birth and Beyond, Inc. are knowledgeable about contraindications of placenta ingestion, food safety standards, and equipment sanitization. With proper preparation and equipment sanitization, there are no known risks associated with ingesting your own placenta. Ensure your safety by hiring a certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist like the International Placenta & Postpartum Association trained staff of Birth and Beyond, Inc. A Placenta Encapsulation Specialist will also have placenta encapsulation specific Blood Borne Pathogen Certification and a USDA Food Safety Certificate.

Having your placenta prepared for ingestion is easier than you think!

The hospitals in the Raleigh area are generally comfortable with releasing your placenta unless there is a need to has it sent to pathology. You won’t have to fight for the right to take your placenta home like you may have read about other people doing. Your Placenta Encapsulation Specialist will give you simple instructions for getting your placenta home safely. 

If placenta encapsulation is not for you there are other ways to honor your placenta.

You may already know that you don’t want to ingest your placenta while recognizing the important work this incredible organ had done and want to honor your placenta. Consider having placenta art prints made or burying the placenta and planting a special tree on top of it. Cultures around the world all have their own special ways of paying homage to the placenta. 

Whatever your conclusion about placenta encapsulation, you have to make the right choice for yourself and your family. If you have questions or would like to learn more, the professionals at Birth and Beyond, Inc. will have the answers you need.

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