Will My Placenta Capsules Be Gluten Free?

If you have Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance you may be concerned about having your placenta encapsulated for consumption. Totally understandable.


When living a gluten-free life you always have to be on guard when it comes to food! For people with Celiac Disease or those who suffer from Gluten Intolerance, even a small amount of gluten can result in symptoms like:


·         Gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation or smelly diarrhea

·         Weight gain or weight loss

·         Heartburn

·         Stomach pain

·         Fatigue


Celiac Disease can affect just about every system in the body, including skin, hormones, and bones and joints.


Eating your placenta can be safe and completely gluten-free. The important things to consider when choosing a placenta encapsulation professional if you are on a gluten-free diet are: where the equipment used will be sanitized, what kind of capsules are used, and whether or not anything is added to your capsules.

People with Celiac Disease or who are Gluten Intolerant should ask questions about where the equipment that will be used is sanitized.


You will want to choose a placenta encapsulation professional who sanitizes their equipment in a general space, then stores the equipment in sealed bins or someone who sanitizes their equipment in a space that is reserved for that purpose and is not used for other purposes.


Our equipment is fully sanitized in a designated space. No food of any kind is stored or prepared in the area that our equipment is sanitized. This ensures clients will not be exposed to gluten at all in the encapsulation process!


Your placenta should only be prepared using capsules that are individually packaged and never stored near food.


It is important that your placenta encapsulation professional stores capsules (and all other supplies) in a food-free area. Capsules should be pre-portioned either by the placenta encapsulation profession with clean, gloved hands, in a food-free space, or a sealed package should be purchased for each client. Capsules should be purchased packaged. Your placenta encapsulation professional shouldn’t use capsules purchased from bulk bins, like those available at health food stores. Only capsules purchased in a sealed package should be used.


Nothing should ever be added to your placenta capsules unless your placenta encapsulation professional is a qualified herbalist or Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor.


Adding ginger to the steaming water of the placenta is acceptable, but nothing should ever be added to your placenta capsules. The only exception would be if your placenta encapsulation professional is qualified to prescribe herbs.


We add ginger to the steaming water to enhance the tonifying effects of your placenta capsules. Only steamed and dried placenta is put into your capsules.


When choosing placenta encapsulation in Raleigh, you can be sure that your placenta pills are completely free of gluten contamination when working with Birth and Beyond, Inc. Contact us today to reserve your due date!

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