Top 5 Pregnancy Nutrients

Okay, so, you’re pregnant. You’re working. You’re tired. Everyone is in your ear telling you that you are now responsible for the health and well-being of this group cells in your uterus growing into a whole human. Grandma is telling you what to eat, forbidden foods, and asking you if you’re getting enough water. You’re tired of the handouts your care provider is giving you. We get it. Here’s the top 5 nutrients pregnant women need to have and a few examples of how to get them.

1. Folate and folic acid, found in spinach, asparagus, oranges, and peanuts, help to prevent birth defects.
2. Calcium, found in milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, and spinach, helps strengthen bones.
3. Vitamin D, found in fish, milk, juice, and eggs, help to promote bone health.
4. Protein, found in cottage cheese, poultry, fish, peanut butter, and eggs, help to promote growth.
5. Iron, found in meat, beans, spinach, and poultry, helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Even when eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, missing out on key nutrients happens. We’d like to think we can do all of the things, but sometimes our body needs more. Taking prenatal vitamins before, during, and after pregnancy is safe. Talk with your care provider if you follow a special diet, have food allergies, or have a chronic health condition that may prevent you from getting the top 5 nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Briana Smith