Real Reasons You DON’T Need a Postpartum Doula

What is a postpartum doula?


A calming and easy to get comfortable with companion, your postpartum doula helps with infant and childcare, meal preparation, makes sure you’re getting enough rest, keeps up on light housekeeping, and even offers breastfeeding or bottle feeding advice if you want it. The list of tasks within her scope are very broad, kind of like a fantasy-best-friend-slash-dream-mother-in-law who comes to look after you and your family—minus all that friends and family opinions and judgment. 


But there’s more…


Postpartum doulas don’t just get ish done. Continuing education is important and your doula is an expert on infant care, postpartum recovery, and current medical and holistic recommendations for your baby’s first year. Truly supporting your choices, she shares scientific information, setting aside her own personal biases and preferences. She’s a friend to laugh with, an experienced and knowledgeable expert to provide trusted advice, and a reliable assistant.


I don’t need a postpartum doula because I have family and friends in the Raleigh area to help me.


A postpartum doula does not replace the special care you will receive from family and friends. The postpartum doula is an addition to your private support team. You family and friends come from an emotionally invested place of love. This is valuable and important but sometimes you’ll make choices that your family doesn’t agree with and at those times, your doula can be there to help you feel confident in your decisions.


You family and helpful friends will probably be happy to snuggle your baby or take your other children to the park while you take a nap, and it is important for your children to have these relationships. These people also have responsibilities and obligations of their own. Even the most doting grandmother probably doesn't want to provide overnight care to your babies for many weeks or months. Your family and friends have careers and their own families. You may start to feel guilty about the amount of help you need or have trouble voicing your needs along the way. Not so with a postpartum doula. Caring for you and your family is what she does, it's how she cares for her own family and it is her passion.


Your family members may have extensive experience with childrearing and even childcare and knowing what has worked for your mother or grandmother is helpful. You, however, may want to try something different or find yourself experiencing challenges that they did not. In these cases, a postpartum doula is invaluable. She has experience and knowledge about the variations of infant care, parenting style, bottle feeding, and breastfeeding and even sleep training. Prepare yourself for the adventure of parenting with a professional by your side.


I don’t need a postpartum doula because I already know what to expect.


You have older children and know what to expect after your baby is born. You’re confident with infant care, your postpartum body, feeding your baby, and all that jazz. What can a postpartum doula do for you?

We find that when working with families who already have children, we are busier than ever. Older children still have the same needs for care and attention that they did before the baby came. Young children often need more attention now that the baby is here. It's a big adjustment to have a new baby in the family. We can help by caring for the baby so that you can spend time with your older children. We can also assist with your older children, actively engaging them, take them for walks and to the park, preparing meals and so on.


You may have a different experience this time than you did before. Even parents who have breastfed several times before can run into new challenges. You may have health concerns that require more rest or you may just be a little extra tired as a parent of one more! All of your regular duties surrounding your children and your home will still be there once your baby comes home. We can help manage all of these needs, and you never have to feel guilty about asking us for help!


Postpartum doulas make your postpartum recovery a whole lot easier. Once your baby comes home, whether it’s your first or your fifth, you don’t have to do it all on your own. You do not need to feel isolated and you don’t have to feel like you’re asking too much of anyone. You deserve the expertise of a compassionate profession. Read more about the postpartum doula support Birth and Beyond, Inc. has to offer in the Raleigh area!