Resources & Tips for Raising Children: From Newborns to Teenagers


There’s no doubt about it: being a parent is the most demanding job in the world. While there’s no single guide that can answer every question parents might have about raising and caring for their children, it always helps to have a few resources handy. If you’re always looking for extra tips and resources to help you navigate childhood, check out this list of helpful parenting links for every age.


Ensuring Kids Get The Sleep They Need

Americans tend to be sleep-deprived, and kids can suffer from a lack of sleep as well. But these resources can answer parents’ questions about helping kids get enough sleep:

Getting Baby on a Sleep Schedule

How Much Sleep Kids Need at Every Age

Yes, Your Teen Needs More Sleep


Helping Kids Develop a Love for Learning  

The first day of kindergarten is tough for children and parents alike, but parents can help foster education by using these tips:

How to Prepare Kids for Kindergarten

Help Your Child Prepare for Middle School

Improving Study Habits for Struggling Teens


Managing Kids With Behavioral Challenges

Some children require a different approach in order to curb unwanted or potentially harmful behaviors, and these guides may help parents:

 Teaching Babies “Bad” & “Good” Behaviors

How to Survive a Toddler’s Tantrum

When Your Child is Talking Back

Addressing Screen Time 

For most parents these days, screen time is an eventuality. Knowing this is coming will make it easier to implement boundaries that you can adjust as your child grows.  

How to Make a Family Media Use Plan
The Best Technology-Screen Time Contract for Kids

Incentivize Healthy Screen Time Through Enhanced Internet

While this resource guide doesn’t address all the parenting challenges, hopefully, it will help with a few. Because having even a little help can provide a huge amount of stress relief and peace of mind when you are raising babies, toddlers, children or even teens. Be sure to keep this guide in a convenient spot, so you can refer to it when needed.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Blog Post Courtesy of Josh Moore with Diaper Dads!

Briana Smith