Benefits of Postpartum Belly Binding

If you are currently pregnant, or recently had a baby, you’ve probably heard the phrase “bouncing back”. While we are not advocates for focusing on “getting back” your pre-pregnancy body, we understand your desire to feel like yourself again. Social media and celebrities often set the bar for when you should be back at your pre-pregnancy weight and shape. Please understand that your body took 40ish weeks to get to where it is, in addition to doing a pretty amazing thing (growing a human), so give yourself some grace on getting back there.

You may have heard of Bengkung Belly Binding, a Malaysian tradition of wrapping the abdominal area after childbirth. This traditional practice has mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits that can assist with postpartum recovery and healing. This is a time-tested way to journey back towards your pre-baby body, while also making sure you are healing naturally and comfortably.

Many people ask if postpartum belly binding is the same as waist training.

It depends on who you ask, but our answer is absolutely not. Using an extremely tight compression corset in the days, weeks, or even months following childbirth doesn’t allow for your body to heal naturally and comfortably. Postpartum belly binding is gentle ritual you can utilize for the first 40 days postpartum to guide your body back to how you want it to look and feel. Postpartum belly binds provide benefits that waist trainers do not: gentle compression, gentle fit, and comfortable material.

When would you do postpartum belly binding?

Postpartum belly binding is best done within the first week postpartum, or once a cesarean incision has healed if there was a surgical birth. It is recommended to wear the wrap 8-12 hours per day for approximately 40 days postpartum. Beginning postpartum belly binding beyond 6 weeks postpartum is much less effective. Briana Smith, postpartum doula and professional belly binder, provides belly binding packages in the Raleigh area and also instructs postpartum families on how to belly bind themselves.

Postpartum Belly Binding Benefits:

-Helps uterus return to pre-pregnancy size, assisting with postpartum healing and minimizing bleeding

-Helps to heal abdominal separation from childbirth

-Alleviates back, hip, and pelvic pain

-Increase body image and positive self-esteem

-Provides a routine and ritual, which can be significant to postpartum mental health

-Stabilizes loose ligaments from the relaxin hormone in childbirth

-Provides physical support during breastfeeding sessions

-Minimizes water, air, and fat in tissue in the abdominal and pelvic regions

-Allows organs to slowly return to their pre-pregnancy position, promoting healing and recovery

Click here to learn more about postpartum belly binding!

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